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We invite experienced singers to join us!

Membership is through a brief musical meeting with the Conductor.  You can:

•   meet with Dr. Maroney before the beginning of the semester (contact him at


•   attend either one of the first two "open house" rehearsals (for Spring 2025: January 14 & 21), after which

Dr. Maroney will meet with you privately.

New members may be permitted to join at the third rehearsal only with permission from the Conductor.


Pocono Concert Chorale membership policies


•  Weekly rehearsals take place Tuesdays 7-9 pm starting after Labor Day for the fall semester, and the Tuesday

after January 7 for the spring.

•  There are two concerts each season: the first Sunday after Thanksgiving weekend and the fourth Sunday in April,

both at 2:30 pm.

•  Dress rehearsal for each concert is the Friday evening beforehand.

•  The "snow date" for the December concert is the following Saturday at 7:30 pm.

•  All rehearsals and concerts are held at First Presbyterian Church on 575 Main St. in Stroudsburg, PA.


Like all other independent community choirs, ticket revenue covers only a portion of Pocono Concert Chorale's essential operating expenses.  We rely on membership dues ($40 per half-year) and, most importantly, concert program ads and donations of which all members are expected to secure.  Financial assistance for membership dues is available to those in need.


In order to give refined performances of great music, members are expected to learn much of their music outside of rehearsal.  This way, our limited time together can be spent on ensemble issues such as blend, interpretation, etc., instead of "note-pounding" which consumes much valuable time.

To help you learn your music, recordings of high-quality performances as well as rehearsal recordings where your part is highlighted (when available) are posted on our website under "Members Only."  All recordings can be downloaded as MP3 audio files, and CDs can be made upon request.


Continuous membership is essential to the success and growth of the group - all members are expected to participate every semester.  A member who will be absent for one semester must notify both the Conductor and the President.  A former member absent for two or more semesters who wishes to return must secure approval from the Conductor.


For the Pocono Concert Chorale to give quality musical performances, it is imperative that every member attend as many rehearsals as possible.  The maximum number of rehearsal absences may not exceed three for each concert under any circumstance.  A member who has exceeded the absence limit may rejoin the group the next semester.

It is up to each member to determine if an illness will prevent them from attending a rehearsal.  If one elects to attend, please be fully masked and seated far from the rest of the singers.


Each member purchases their music.  Costs are kept to a minimum by PCC borrowing music and copying public domain works when possible.  Any music purchased is done in bulk via PCC to secure discounted prices.


Some members are allergic to or highly bothered by many fragrances.  In both rehearsals and performances, refrain from ANY types of perfume, hair spray, scented lotions, cologne, aftershave, or similar products.


Women: All black - Long dresses or skirts are preferred, but dress pants are acceptable.  Sleeves elbow length or longer.  No leggings, yoga pants, or jeans, nor skirts/dresses much above the knee.
Men: White shirt; Black suit, black shoes & socks, and long black tie.